Jul 23, 2024
BFJ's Glen Cove Comprehensive Plan was adopted by a unanimous City Council vote on July 23, 2024.
The BFJ Planning core team included Frank Fish FAICP, Silvia Del Fava, AICP LEED AP ND, Emily Tolbert AICP, and Michelle Gilman. Georges Jacquemart FAICP and Mark Freker or BFJ Planning developed the Transportation and Mobility chapter. Tina Lund AICP of Urbanomics provided analysis and recommendations for the Downtown and Economic Development component.
Glen Cove is a City of approximately 28,000 people on the North Shore or Long Island. BFJ worked closely with elected officials, City staff, and local residents, workers, and non-profits. Prepared with funding from New York’s Smart Growth and the Climate Smart Communities Programs, the plan emphasizes smart growth and sustainability principles throughout, including recommendations for infill development, protection of drinking water, and alternative transportation.
See the adopted plan here: https://www.glencovecomprehensiveplan.com/plan-documents